Housework, Hiking or Horseback Riding - Which burns more calories per hour? What about how many Calories are in 1 Gram of Alcohol? | Trio Nutrition

Housework, Hiking or Horseback Riding - Which burns more calories per hour?  What about how many Calories are in 1 Gram of Alcohol? | Trio Nutrition

Back in middle school, your science teacher taught you that one calorie is the amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.  But, in terms of nutrition, a food calorie refers to the energy in food and the energy that our body uses to keep alive and moving.

In terms of food, the food calories we consumer are locked within 3 major types of nutrients as follows:

  1. Fats: 1 Gram of Fat delivers 9 Calories
  2. Proteins: 1 Gram of Protein delivers 4 Calories
  3. Carbohydrates (Sugars & Starches): 1 Gram of Carbohydrates delivers 4 Calories

For those who enjoy alcoholic libations, 1 Gram of Alcohol delivers 7 Calories. And, if your goal is to shed unwanted calories, then you may want to buy Trio Nutrition's Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, Nirvana Kombucha or Pre-Pro Live for the perfect detox and cleanse:

Checkout the interesting Table:   How Many Calories Your Body will Burn In An Hour Based on Your Body Weight?

Activity 120 lbs 170 lbs
Aerobic Dance 335 500
Archery 190 270
Basketball 330 460
Bicycling Less than 10 mph 220 310
Bowling 165 230
Calisthenics 190 270
Driving a Car 110 155
Eating 80 115
Cooking 120 175
Gardening 220 310
Golf  245 345
Hiking 325 460
Horseback Riding 220 310
Housework 135 190
Jogging 380 540
Mowing Lawn 245 345
Racquetball 380 540
Reading 70 100
Rowing 380 540
Running 10 mph 870 1235
Watching TV 55 75
Sitting (Typing on Computer) 100 140
Roller Skating 380 540
Cross Country Skiing 435 615
Downhill Skiing 325 460
Sleeping 50 70
Soccer 380 540
Swimming 380 540
Tennis 380 540
Walking 205 295
Weight Training 165 230


Source: Norman  J Arnold School of Public Health University of South Carolina, 2002


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