Community Blog: Recipe . Nutrition . Fitness | Trio Nutrition

Are Gummy Vitamins Good For You? | Trio Nutrition
If you are on the fence regarding the health benefits of gummy vitamins, you’re not alone. Many people question whether something that seems like candy can provide essential vitamins and minerals. And if you compare the labels of traditional vitamins...
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Are There Happiness Supplements? 'What Can I Take To Make Me Happy?' | Trio Nutrition
The information in this article and throughout Trio Nutrition’s blog is for informational purposes only, and should never be mistaken for professional medical advice. While there may not be a single pill that can make you happy, there are supplements...
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Improve Your Sleep With Magnesium | Trio Nutrition
You don’t need an official study to tell you that sleep is important. You also don’t need scientific facts to prove to you that quality of sleep is just as essential as getting enough of it. One night of tossing...
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Why is sleep important to your health? | Trio Nutrition
The information in this article and throughout Trio Nutrition’s blog is for informational purposes only, and should never be mistaken for professional medical advice. Why is sleep important to your health? The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes (NHLBI) list...
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